2013年11月13日 星期三

Transcription:Delete his (D:) or not?

      Hello, everyone. Our topic is “Delete his D drive or not”. First, I want to tell you a story. I have two friends and they are couples, and one day they have an argue and then they broke up. The girl came to tell me that the reason. Because one day found that there are some adult films in the boy’s cellphone. She couldn’t understand her boyfriend had those films in his cellphone. So she asked her boyfriend, and her boyfriend said it is usual for men have adult videos in their cellphones. But my girlfriend didn’t accept answer, because she thinks that why you have adult films in the cellphone when you have girlfriend? So they have a very furious fight. After that, one day, my girlfriend deleted her boyfriend’s adult films all in his cellphone. The boy was really really really angry. But I didn’t know that his angry part is because his girlfriend deleted the adult films or because he thought that his girlfriend didn’t respect him to delete his files and didn’t tell him. This is my story. One day, when Eva and I are very very confusing about our topic, we think about it, and this is why we want to do about this topic, and Eva will ask you some question.

      HI,I am Eva. I am going to ask you guys some questions. “Can you accept your boyfriend or girlfriend to watch adult videos when you are together or in the relationship. If you accept, please raise your hand. And if you can not accept this ,please raise your hand. So this is very clear, I am the opposition and she is agreeing with this issue.

      I want to ask Kevin a question, Kevin, may I ask you question? I want ask your opinion about our topic.

      I just think that too much adult films is not good for me.

Vicky and Eva:
      Our topic is about your lover.

      @#$%. I am afraid she will compare me to the 12344?

      And I want to ask Niki, why you accept your boyfriend watch adult videos?

      I don’t think it is false to watch adult videos.

      So maybe you think you are prettier than the girl?

      It is different. It is just like watching a movie, but you can’t touch that.

      So, now, we are going to say our opinion in this issue. Vicky first.

      It is clearly that I am standing on the agree side of this topic. Because there are lots of discussions about this issue on Internet, like PTT or the discussion boards on every forum. Lots of girls ask why my boyfriends watch adult videos when he is with me. In my sources, there are lots of responses that the boys need to vent physiological needs. If the girls think that why comes when he needs it. But I think it is not correct, because girls may have some problems, maybe they are tired, maybe they don’t in a good mood, maybe they are in the period. If the men want, but it is not the proper time for his girlfriend, I think it is an easier and more convenient way to vent his need. This is one of my opinions.

      Now is my opinion. I am the opposition. I found a website which is published by Daisy Hung (洪蘭), the person who study in brain. She talks about people’s addition. After I read her paragraph, I think maybe watch adult videos can generate sexual addition. The paragraph she talks is that some people may say adult videos can provide people the pleasure, very enjoy feeling and also can liberate from their sexual tensions. But people who addicted to adult videos, I think he will long for it, and whatever he likes or not, because he just has this addition. And I think if one person watches adult video, he may have addition and take this thing as a routine. Maybe this will make the girl thinks “oh! You just like to watch people making love and didn’t do anything with me or not.”  

      And there is another my opinion, there is another sources in my blogger. The article is about people watching adult videos. The writer has done a research about why people watch adult videos. Her research shows that about fifty present people who respond that they watch adult videos because they are boring. This research also asked about the time, and most responds say that they watch it before they go to sleep. Some may not understand why you watch adult videos before you go to sleep. But one of my friends said that when you girls are boring, you may gather and go shopping, or maybe you watch the soap opera or the Korea opera on the computer. So why can’t he watch adult videos when he is boring or before he goes to sleep? Because he thought that this pleasure is the same, it is just a tool to kill time.

      And I also found another source that the girls may think adult video is still a commodity, like adult videos should include some unrealistic or many over actions or plots to fascinate viewers. So adult videos are just for commerce. The girlfriend may think boys like to watch adult videos maybe he wants to learn some skills from adult video to teach their girlfriend, so maybe this behavior will hurt girlfriends’ heart. Some thoughts may appear in their mind, for example “my body was not good enough” or “adult video actress are prettier than me”. Girlfriends will think their boyfriends may fall into the unrealistic world, and just didn’t want to date with the real person like would rather watching adult video continued than dating with their girlfriends.

      And we are going to talk about our opinions, before that we talked was public opinions, and here we are going to talk about our opinion in this issue. In my opinion, I think it was okay for my boyfriend to watch adult video, because I think that it doesn’t matter. Maybe lots of adult video is really exaggerating and over. But if we are mature enough and we can tell reality from virtual I think is okay. And people all have desire, so if it is an easy and convenient way to vent desire, why not? Because I am grow, I don’t want to make sex with you for other reasons, so I think this is a way to have the best of both world. It is a proper way to solve problem without may have some fights or argue.

      And in my opinion is some girls may ask the question on the Internet and some users may response them that “Rather let your boyfriend watch adult video without make an extramarital affair.” I think maybe he will not really to find an adult video actress to be his new girlfriend, but I think this will make him a spiritual affair, like fall in love with AV actress in mind. This behavior will ignore me and did not care about my feeling. So I think why not sit down with me and we talk about why you are boring or why you can’t go shopping with your friends too or why can’t watch a movie with me. Let’s all.

      This is our presentation, thank you. 

